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The Prevalence of Pre-Diabetes Among Year Two Students in a Malaysian Medical School and Their Knowledge of the Relationship of Obesity with Pre-Diabetes

Research Article

The Prevalence of Pre-Diabetes Among Year Two Students in a Malaysian Medical School and Their Knowledge of the Relationship of Obesity with Pre-Diabetes

Sivashunmugam L1 and Ansari RM2*

1Department of Family Medicine, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
2Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, Cyberjaya, Malaysia

*Corresponding author: Reshma M Ansari, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, No 3410, Jalan Teknokrat 3, Cyber 4, Cyberjaya, 63000, Malaysia, Tel: +60 164980485; Fax: +60 0383137001; E-mail: reshmaansari77@gmail.com

Received: February 28, 2017; Accepted: June 11, 2017; Published: June 26, 2017


Introduction: Obesity, a lifestyle disease has been increasing in trend in the recent years. Excess body fat is associated with poor insulin sensitivity and regarded as the single most determinant of type 2 diabetes. Pre-diabetes reigns for a period of almost 13 years prior to the onset of overt diabetes. However, there is a paucity of data on the prevalence of pre-diabetes and the knowledge of relationship between obesity and pre-diabetes among young adults. Hence our study aims to determine the prevalence of pre-diabetes among year 2 students in a medical school in Malaysia and to gauge their basic knowledge of the relationship of obesity to pre-diabetes.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 93 students. HbA1c blood sugar was measured using venous sampling. Participants also answered a close-ended self-administered questionnaire.

Results: 7.5% (n=7) of the study population had elevated HbA1c= 5.6-6.2. There was gap in knowledge regarding the pre-diabetic HbA1c values.

Conclusion: Our study recorded a 7.5% pre-diabetic prevalence rate among young adults aged 19-25 with a lack of knowledge about the pre-diabetic HbA1c values. This emphasizes the need for preventive action by the educators to produce healthy and competent health care professionals.


HbA1c; Knowledge; Pre-diabetes

Citation: Sivashunmugam L, Ansari RM (2017) The Prevalence of Pre-Diabetes among Year Two Students in a Malaysian Medical School and Their Knowledge of the Relationship of Obesity with Pre-Diabetes. J Diab Meta Syndro 1: 003.
